
Unlocked Gaming
Hello, and welcome to Unlocked Gaming!

Unlocked Gaming brings you features and in-depth reviews. Primarily it serves as a portfolio of my work which includes exclusive material to the site and reviews that I have written for other publications with links to the full articles.

About Me

I started writing on a football blog back in 2008. My passion for writing over the last ten years has covered numerous topics and subjects. In 2011, I started a video game website called Jam Jar Gaming with a friend in Sheffield, England. The site quickly became popular but was always more of an experiment, and a place where we could both practice our writing and share our passion for video gaming.

The site ended and we parted ways towards the end of 2012 as I began to travel. I eventually settled down in Sydney, Australia. Shortly after arriving in Australia, I started working as a copywriter for an online education company. A few months later I began freelancing for several websites such as one of Australia's largest, and oldest independent gaming website Impulse Gamer. I have also written reviews for New Zealand / Australian publication, Gameplanet.

Rating System

I like to keep things simple at Unlocked Gaming with the review scores being marked 1 to 10. 1 being dreadful, 5 average, and 10 meaning it's a masterpiece. If any reviews featured in other publications have a different scoring system, I haven't adjusted the score (ex 1 - 5 / A to Z).

My portfolio can be found here.

My Twitter can be found here.

Unlocked Gaming Twitter page.

Unlocked Gaming Facebook page.

Open Critic profile.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the site!

*Unlocked Gaming's online presence is restricted to the above channels. I do not have a Youtube channel.